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How Critical Force supercharged their game with MaxIOPS

UpCloud has enabled us to run large datasets on individual servers. Due to the extreme IOPS performance, we’ve consolidated our services from tens of hosts to but a few high-powered systems.

How Evermade cloudified their company infrastructure

Cloud-based company infrastructure has provided many benefits. For example, working remotely is a breeze since our work is not tied to any office location or even a specific computer.

How Fraktio attained rock-solid stability

We have been enjoying the competitive pricing. On top of that, the customer service is always very friendly and responsive thanks to UpCloud being far less corporate than other providers.

How Sitesbi raised their SLA way above industry norms

Thanks to your offerings, our SLA is almost as good as yours. Your backups are also, in our experience, the best in the market. It was love at first sight.

How Barabra took control of their cloud hosting solution

We're able to adapt to different situations much better thanks to being in full control of our software stack. The ability to activate and deactivate instances on-demand has proven very useful.

How SportMonks increased their API performance to new heights

The new servers at UpCloud are so much faster on the disk, CPU, and memory performance. We get way more requests out of the same amount of money that the migration was well worth it.

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